Covid-19 And Spirituality

No, this may not be about romance or psychic readings but I felt the need to write my feelings down, and I thought no better place than my blog and site.

I want to start by saying that I’m on my second week of self-imposed quarantine, I have been watching the news like so many other people, and it just brings tears to my eyes, to see what is happening in the world today, both tears of sadness and tears of great joy and hope.

I don’t mean the Coronavirus exactly. I don’t mean the panic and the hoarding, and all crazy stuff you see in our world the way it is now. The truth is that many people are out for just themselves, self-preservation and all that nonsense. I have seen masks being sold for 50 dollars each, yes a 1 dollar mask, I have seen hand sanitizer sell for what premium spirits would sell for.
I see people not squeezing the Charmin, but grabbing for it in a wild frenzy. I mean what’s going on out there. What about our humanity, well it is alive and well, and there are many signs of this. Selfless acts of random kindness, the all so nice, have a great day, or blessings, or thank you, even that has become scarce and now it is back. This is a great thing. The virus that brought us together. Who could have thought this? I could have, and most of us should have. Whenever things threaten us we come together as a country, as a people, and a world eventually. Spirituality is rampant now.

What I have noticed is all that yes there are some bad people out there still just focused on themselves, and I am not surprised as this is the norm, but what I have also seen is people from all walks of life, from every state, city, and town, of every color, religious background, and yes every political affiliation as well, I have seen these people come together in a spiritual explosion something that has been well needed in this country and beyond for quite some time. I honestly was starting to think that this was not even possible anymore. It took a virus to bring us together. and I feel that at least in part, this coming together is something that will stay. I am so happy about that, amidst all the problems that we are overcoming day by day, and all the fear inside of us, we still come together for the common survival and good of our people. We can overcome everything, if we just join together spiritually, that will lead us to the rest, to the actions that better us as a species. To absolute joy and happiness. To be a more spiritual person.

Spirituality means many things. The dictionary has a few definitions, and I chose this one. It defines spirituality as “the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things“. I like that definition. It says it all, it means that you care about the person, the people, the other, before any care of personal or physical possessions. That is very hard for many human beings. We have that self-preservation built-in, and we have different levels of spirituality, and yes compassion for others.

Spirituality is a goal for everyone, and if not for you, then it should be. Before any of us can have the things we want and aspire to in our life, before we can have that perfect partner in crime, that love of your life, it is my belief that we must first have some level of spirituality in our lives. I help people get to that place. Spirituality will save us all from the parts of life that have become commonplace and are just not spiritual at all.

I think its a shame and a blessing, to have a virus, a deadly pandemic as the spark that ignites us all to come together, but never the less the pandemic is here, and we will beat this back as a people, we will overcome this like we do all things in life, when we all come together, and work as one.
Become more spiritual and you will see your life improve in every way.

These days please try and put the other first, if just for that moment. Think about the person in front of you, beside you, and behind you. You neighbors, your friends, and yes the stranger that may need just a little help in these times of trouble and fear for many. Please keep the faith, stay spiritually in tune, do not panic. Think clearly about how you can do your part to make another’s life a little better. If we all do that then this pandemic will have not hurt us, but it will have helped us. We will bounce back, as a people, as a nation, and as a world. Be that spiritual person you know you can be, and if your scared and need someone to talk with, help clarify things, bring you comfort in the form of spirituality, then please call or chat with me today.
You can also leave a comment, I will be happy to answer you. I wish all people the spirituality, and the perseverance, they need in these troubled times.

Love and Light
Psychic Andrew

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