Who calls who first

Should I call him? We just had a fight what should I do?
Wait for him to call? How long should I wait?

I decided to post this because of the increasing amount of questions on this subject. I want to just say upfront that all situations are unique that’s why people call me, however, this is generally what you should or should not do when it comes to making “First Contact”. Sounds scary right? Not so much though if you just figure out a few things and I thought maybe this post would help you do just that.

I have heard from many of my female clients that they have either heard from friends or other advisors that it is always best to wait for your man to call you, that after a fight, disagreement, or even after a date that you should not call him first. Notice all the different scenarios you could be in, of what to do. This is a myth, so pay close attention. Good stuff here, and all with a male point of view.

Before I begin I want to make it clear that there are many instances when you must go silent. This should not be confused with waiting for him to call. There are times when you can’t call because a man may feel threatened or a man may feel too pressured or overwhelmed by your call, but these times are not what I am talking about.

I’m talking about that theory, that myth, that advice given, so many times, that says he needs to call you, pursue you, make him wait, or that he needs to make the first move. Most of this is about footing, who has the upper hand in the relationship, who bends first. This is ridiculous. This in most cases, not all, but in most, is the exact opposite of what you should be doing. Men do not always realize that you have feelings for them despite things you have said or done.

Men are not as smart as you women, remember, think idiots and you would have us down. It is important to build them, us men, up, to reassure them that you do like them and one of the best ways to do this is by calling them. So in that instance call him. Don’t call till your fingers are blue, but it is ok to call the next day and say you had a great time last night, or if you had an argument, well sometimes a man feels a bit worried and will go quiet, and then a nice call or text saying hey you, kisses, or something like that would be perfect.

There are times, however, as I mentioned before, when you may not want to call a man. If he has been giving you the cold shoulder or seems like he is ghosting you, or backing away. In that instance, it is usually better to not chase, but again a quick reading of him first will tell the story. In this situation in general, let him start missing you more. If he is not missing you enough to call, than that a tell. We will get into what I call “Relationship Tells” later in another post.

Sometimes though for long term goals, and putting yourself in a situation where you are noticed more, it is important to not make that call first. Sometimes you must resist that feeling to start a conversation going or at least try to, by calling first, texting, posting or even something small like sending a smiley face in text. You have to know where you are in your relationship, romance or marriage at all times, but when you are in a pinch you can see that there are many reasons that you should call first, I just don’t like hearing that same thing over and over again, as a man, and as I hear from so many male friends, we do like when women call or texts us at certain times, and within a limit.

When your man is purposely not calling you, mainly to see if he can get away with it, and make you call first, then you have to resist the feeling to call. In this situation, it will only hurt any chances you have with him, or worsen a bad situation, but again make a call to me or another great psychic first just to see what’s going on with him. In this case however its usually better not to get caught in this trap. Don’t call first.

Now it is also important to think about things and take a moment before reaching for that phone. You need to think about your man,
women run faster in romance then men do. He might not have the same level of feelings you do, especially if this is new, men are just slower at getting feelings going that’s all. This is where the don’t call him first may come in. Men want what they can’t have so easily. This is where they have to do the chasing, the calling first, and get themselves in the mind frame that is closer to where your mind is when it comes to you and him and romance.

The man will sometimes sit and wait for your call. Sometimes when following the rule of not calling first you destroy any hope of ever speaking with him again. Now I also do realize that sometimes you don’t want to call first because you don’t want to be rejected, or rejected again, or feel that you’re going to get a negative response, and this I can understand but think for a moment if you have not spoken to your man in a few days and it seems as though he is not going to call you, then what in the world do you have to lose by calling him. He is already not with you, he has already gone silent, so what is the worst that can happen, you can put yourself in the same situation your in now, no contact. But and this is the big part of this information, if you do take the plunge and make that call you might and will in many cases be very surprised at the response you get and the truth is you have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose. If the man wants you he will walk over hot coals to get to you, but remember men also have to grow their feelings and at their pace. Slow.

Here is the part that I am very compelled to explain. Every situation is different, every reading, every man and woman, and every relationship, so before you decide what to do, I suggest you give me a call or another honest and accurate psychic and maybe even a male or new to you psychic, and ask some questions, being honest about your situation and asking good solid questions so that you know the next move you should make.. if you have been getting the “don’t call him”advise too often say that it is not the right move to wait but I can say for the most part that you need to think very hard about not calling. It is not an automatic thing. You must consult your advisor and ask why shouldn’t I call. You need a third party perspective so that your feelings do not block your normal thought process.

Don’t feel that not making that call first is a standard response. It can hurt your relationship more than help it. If you are unsure of this or what you should do then please take a few moments and call or chat with me. Allow me to give you the male point of view after reading him, and the situation. Yes maybe you should be waiting for him to call, but the truth is most of the time you should not be waiting, not if you want that man that makes your heart scream out, that makes you shake all over. I am also a hopeful romantic and I will always try my best first, to help you get you the man you want.

Love and Light,

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