Why can’t I stop thinking of him?

Can’t get him off your mind?, Can’t stop thinking about him even though you need to? Read This. This article on romance advice will help you so much.

When it is time to call it quits and move on so that you can find Mr. Right, Your next soul mate, or you just have to give up on a bad relationship so you can move forward it can be very difficult. Sometimes it is very hard to stop thinking about him or her and you also sometimes wonder why. You will be driving, working, shopping, and all of a sudden or start thinking about him even when you are trying to get him out of your mind and forget the past. Why can’t you stop? What is going on?

The truth is that this is not all your doing. It is not you going crazy, it is not you being obsessed, it is not you that won’t let go, it is him thinking of you. Yes, that is in many cases the problem. You must understand that even when you get out of a bad relationship and you know it won’t work, or it is over for whatever reason there are still connections going on. I call them karmic connections or vibrational connections.

These connections are the residue of the vibrational connection power and love that you both had. It is easy to say that this is the end but you can’t turn off feelings like a light switch and neither can he. He is still in many cases thinking of you and what you are doing is picking up his vibrations of when he thinks of you. Look at this as a radio, you receive and transmit feelings back and forth between each other. When he thinks about you that residual vibrational transmission is received by you and translated into thoughts about him.

The problem with all of this aside from the fact that it is driving you crazy is that until you clear your mind of this person you can’t really move on. It makes it very hard to meet the next man, other men will feel him still in your head, and you may wind up missing out on Mr. right or destroying another relationship. Now you are probably understanding what is happening and wondering what should I do? You can’t stop him from thinking about you, you are trying hard to forget him, you want to move on, but the other person is hurting your chances because he is keeping himself on your mind and sometimes even in real life with those calls for no real reason or other dumb things us men do.

I have a very quick lesson to share with you that will help “train your brain” to block his thoughts and signals to you, or at the very least, help you to stop thinking about him quite so often. I call this lesson The Blank Wall. Please read below and use it each and every time you start to think of this person.

When you start to feel him or her, or you start thinking of him or her, I want you to as quickly as possible start to stare at the nearest white or light-colored wall. Now I want you to pretend that you see a small red dot on that wall. Allow that red dot to be there and watch as it slowly grows bigger and bigger. Focus on it getting larger and larger until it covers the entire wall. Turn the wall red and blackout his thoughts and the thoughts you are feeling about him. Do this each and every time. If your driving at the time, then please be careful, do it in your head please don’t stare at a wall instead of the road but you can just focus on the road and the white line on the road.
The idea behind this amazing mind trick is to train your mind by tricking it into thinking about the red dot that is now covering the wall, instead of the thoughts of him. If you do this enough times eventually, when he starts to pop into your head, you will start to think of the red dot and red wall instead. that red wall, by the way, is your new path to a great new love.

This will help you so very much. It takes time to put someone you cared for or care about behind you. It is not an on-off switch, more like a dimmer switch, and in reality, only time will do the final part of the job for you. It is so important to understand a few things. First, you can’t move ahead until you leave the past where it belongs, and that is in the past. You must get clear first.

The other thing you need to get a handle on is that you are unhappy at this point because you have lost someone, and most people, both men, and women think right away, that the only way to get happy is to find someone else to replace the person you lost. The truth is this does not work. You cant get Happy by using someone else to make you happy. You need to get yourself Happy first. You need to forget about the next relationship for a while and concentrate on being happy alone.

Find new things to do that you enjoy. Visit a museum, read a book at the library, improve your health by changing the way you cook, the way you exercise, add things to your life until you are happy by yourself then and only then will the right person come into your life.
Not only will you find the right person but that person will almost fall from the air into your lap. Yes, you have to have exposure. I have had many people say to me “Andrew when will meet the next man” I ask them if they go out or if they have friends they associate with, if they try the online approach, and many people answer me no. I say to them, well if you are not seen or heard, and you just stay home waiting, then you better hope that the pizza delivery man and yourself hit it off. But that is another story altogether.

This is about forgetting the bad past, making yourself happy, and then and only then, taking the time and the effort to make that quest for the right person. You may even have to kiss a few more frogs to get to the prince but you will get to that prince. It is not even as slow as it sounds and it happens very quickly, sometimes when you least expect it and in the midst of one of your new hobbies or adventures that you added in your life. Changes, positive changes, signals karma to send you even more positive changes, all you have to do is clear the decks and start the process. I am here to help.

It is also important to have what I call the two basics in your life. The first is a job, not any old job, but one you love, or at the very least like.

If you don’t need to work find something to do that you are passionate about, you must have a life for someone to be interested in you. The second is your HOMEBASE, yes I capitalized it because this is important. It may be your house, your apartment, your family’s place, or yes even a cardboard box, as long as you are happy there, and can call it your home. Get those first, and then you will be all set to make things happen so that you can get the most important thing in the world and that my fellow reader is what I have been told is “True Love”, or your perfect partner, one of your many soulmates, yes we have more than just one, and pure happiness. Just start moving forward and stop thinking about him already.

True Love is real, it is out there, and you can have it. I try not to use the word love as it means many different things to many different people, and in fact, you cant actually love another because love is a feeling, but we get what you mean, after all, we, yes you and me, are hopeful romantics. I have helped so many people find this in their lives and I can help you as well. If you have not spoken to me yet and you have a relationship, romance, love life problem, or anything in between including making your existing relationship better, then I urge you to call or chat with me right away. I read to help people. I help many people and could tell you so many stories that would knock your socks off about people I have spoken to that, in the beginning, thought that they would never find true love or happiness. Those people are now smiling and whistling every day. Please, read my reviews, and then call or chat with me and see for yourself the difference I can make in your life.
I am 100% honest and upfront, I never sugar coat, I can be blunt, but always gentle, the gentle truth, and honest, direct answers. I am also very accurate, and very good as advisors, and psychic’s go. I am also a man and not only can I read what the man you want to know about is thinking and feeling about you, but I can interpret those thoughts and feelings much better than women because well, I am a male Psychic.

My clients call me “The Romance Psychic” and it is for a very good reason. If you are new give me a call today, mention my new client special and I will send you 5 free minutes if you spend 10 or more minutes with me. I never charge my family of clients for email followups or email questions, and I like to be kept in the loop after your reading with me so I can continue to help you until you get to that special place, find that special guy, and obtain true love and happiness. I hope this will help many of you.

Love and Light
“The Romance Psychic”

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