Covid-19 Relationship Killer

Well here we are The first day of July and instead of writing about all the new relationships that are out there blossoming in the fresh new, coming out of the lockdown life, I am here writing about how many of my clients are calling me and are literally in fear. In fear of what you may ask, well just about everything these days. Relationships have been falling by the wayside, I am getting so many calls about men who have run from relationships due to COVID-19, men who have used this sometimes as an excuse to either not see their person of interest, or to just break up altogether out of just not knowing what the future will hold, or over worries caused by this virus. Men worry about their jobs, their standing, their livelihoods. This is causing many relationship problems. Many men, and yes even some women, just can’t see the other person in real life at all. Factors such as work and underlying health issues keep them from touching each other and that is so important especially in new relationships. Many relationships that started out with two people being forced together for a while have blown up dues to not being able to have that space that all relationships need.

Basically now, people are just scared, scared of the unknown, and scared of everything they see happening. Speaking with so many people gives me a unique insight into what is on the minds of others. I do lots of readings so I have a very good sampling and I always ask my clients these days how they feel about this. Everyone is reacting a bit differently based on their age and circumstances so I wanted to share what I have heard from some of my clients and others about this pandemic. I have hopes that maybe hearing what others think about this might help others to understand the why of all of the things taking place around us.

I have this amazing client, she has a cleaning business that she has built herself from the ground up. Started as her first employee and now she is hiring so many others to work for her. she is a young girl also, I love the drive she has and she is going to be very successful, but she is also scared. She is worried about her business, and how to best deal with the pandemic, how to keep things going when things keep changing. When I asked her what her biggest fear was she said that she would not be able to work as much and get as many others to work for her. When I asked her what she knows about the coronavirus she was very well informed and pretty much had a good grasp of what was happening. In her words, relationship? who has time for all of that?

I also asked someone that was not a client, another young girl in her early twenties, she works in the restaurant business as well as going to school, she manages a relationship and is very driven, always trying to better herself. I love that in anyone, especially her. Being driven to better yourself is the key to a great life, she seems to have things pretty well in order. I asked her some questions about the pandemic and here is what I got back as far as answers.
I asked her about the bars and restaurants, if they were open or closed, especially now that the numbers of infected are jumping way up. Her answer was yes, restaurants are still open, no bars inside are allowed to serve alcohol, but they can still offer to be seated, and that bars can serve but they cant offer inside seating. She is in Florida where they have been pretty much open for a while. She said that when the restaurants reopened they were busy but since the new numbers were announced things slowed down again. More uncertainty. I asked her if she thought the protests and protesters may have spread this and caused the numbers to jump, this was answered with a quick no, I asked was it the bars like many are saying, or the opening up too fast, she again said no, and no. When I asked her what she thought was causing this she got very quiet and did not have an answer for me. I thank her for allowing me to ask her the questions. She is an amazing, smart, driven young women who always works to better herself, a great thing, but this young women and others that I have queried, is clearly showing me that the young people 18 to 30 just do not really think about this so much, as they tend to feel invincible.

I recently spoke with a more mature client, she is in her forties, and fighting to keep a long back and forth relationship going. Her person of interest has been declared an essential worker. He is around many people and in all the wrong places if you are looking to stay safe. This is causing multiple problems as she has two older parents that she takes care of, she has to balance contact with them versus contact with her guy, and this is also very hard to deal with. This is causing a great number of communication issues, and relationship problems not only with her guy but with her parents as well. She has to keep distance as to not get them sick, but you can’t just throw away personal relationships, so it becomes a balancing act. One that honestly I do not feel is working, but as with all my clients, I try to help no matter what. I help her look closely at what her priorities should be given the circumstances of her relationship, her man, her parents, and the COVID-19 virus. She is not sure what caused the numbers to explode again but says its a combination of people getting back to work, and yes she feels that many of the protesters did not wear masks and that also may have caused the spread.

My client I am speaking of now is again not in her twenties. Her perspective of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially with elderly parents with underlying conditions, is different from the younger people that I have spoken with. Younger people are more closely focused on themselves, and yes, building and bettering their lives as they should be at this point in their lives. The problem, however, is that like everything else in life, we are all interconnected in some way. This pandemic has linked us all together in a much larger way. What one of us does will affect the life of another even if you never met that person. In this case, when I say that it affects the lives of others I mean that literally, this is a life or death situation for so many. We do however need to take stock of what is really happening. Fear itself can cause more problems than what you may be afraid of, to begin with.

Now I want to get to the point of this post. You are going to hear so many different opinions, from so many different people. The younger generation is fearless, and that comes with great responsibility. If your going to be outside and interacting with others, at the very least have some compassion and empathy for others that may be more scared of this virus than you are.
Older people have a totally different view of much of this, they are so worried that they will get sick, they take all the precautions they can take, and still, the fact is that this pandemic and the COVID-19 virus is not going away anytime soon, and as much as you can protect yourself, unless you are going to just lock yourself away for, well who knows, then you are going to have to take some risks. Manage the risks, ask yourself if the risk is worth you hurting yourself or others you come in contact with. that choice is really up to the individual and I feel that’s where some of the thoughts about this by the younger people come from. They do not like to be told what to do. We are in a free country and we should not have to be told, what to wear, what to say, and so on and so forth, and yes I remember when I was their age and felt invincible, and would probably have felt the same as they do at their age.

Take everything you hear and do not panic, look around you and see with your own eyes what exactly is happening around you. If the television and news media are just pounding you with fear, turn the television or the news off, not forever, I am not suggesting that you bury your head in the sand, that is also happening, but I am suggesting that before you freak out and start doing things that are damaging to your life, love, relationship, think things through. Take a moment to reset, a day without news won’t kill you.
I am here to help you, to read the people in your life, to tell you what is happening with them, and help you make these life choices. You must not be in fear, when you are in fear your decision-making process goes out the door, and we all need to make really great decisions especially now. I am always here to help, so please relax, and let’s help one another through this pandemic.

Love And Light
Psychic Andrew

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