What Is Love?

The word love is mostly used according to the first definition given in the dictionary. Dictionaries vary but this is what the majority says.

An intense feeling of deep affection.” In other words, love is what one feels.  You may have very strong feelings about them, you may even believe you cannot live without them, but you do not love them.

That is because love is a feeling and in the definition of a noun:

noun: love; plural noun: Loves

Many people think love is something you can do to another person, or they talk about, “True Love” or “Unconditional Love”. 

The word “unconditional” means that there are no expectations or limitations or even parameters that are set. This is so hard for a human being. To love unconditionally is a difficult thing, and most humans aren’t good at that. But this word love gets thrown around so much. people always ask me, “Does He Love Me?”, well that depends on what love means to you, your definition, what that Feeling means to you. Think of love as a feeling and then you can set your relationship goals better.and he can not in definition, Love you, he can make you feel loved, and you can make him feel loved, but that’s where this word “love” starts to get confusing.

Try to think about things in the construct of feelings. Does he feel this way about me? or that way about me? does he have the intention to go further? Questions phrased, or asked in that way, are better than asking about a word that at best, has many different definitions, and we set up these definitions of that word Love in our heads. These definitions that we set up in our heads, well, each version or feelings of love in our minds is always different in some part at least, than the other person’s meaning or feelings of love, so they are never the same. But that’s fine. 

When we say “Does He Love Me?” 

What we mean is does he have an intense feeling of attraction or deep affection. Does he think of me? does he care about me?

You want to know how he feels about you, not really if he loves you because that’s such an all-encompassing word, it just means so many things to so many different people, that I don’t even like to use it in my readings.

The Verb Definition of Love is similarly small and confusing because its not really an action word. You can’t really love someone. You can make them feel loved, you can feel loved by them, as long as they make you feel that way, you can have this amazing connection and feelings when you are around them, or even talking to them, You can have the feelings, that’s fine, but consider for now at least that the word Love is a huge word that shouldn’t even have a definition when it comes to hopefull, yes hopefull, not hopeless, romantics like me and you. Yes, I am a romantic so you can understand why I want to help as many people find their true partner in life.

There are many types of love if you want to get technical

The four main love types are as follows:

Storge, which is an empathy bond established between people based on caring about how they feel. Such as when you just got divorced or broke off a relationship. Be careful of this love. two people hurting does not usually turn into two people happy, I’m sorry it just doesn’t, most people need time to heal and stand on their own two feet before getting into another relationship.

When you have, or try to have, a relationship that started or is based on Empathy it usually winds up failing or never getting started.

This is just Storge: an empathy bond so make sure you check your feelings and we check him if this is a situation your in now.

The Next Love Type is Philia.

Philia is a love based on a friendship bond. This is when you have this person who may have started out as your friend, maybe a friend from the past, but you start talking, chatting, texting, and before you know it you are hanging out and you have this best friend. it’s just not the type of love feeling that you want now, is it? You may have grown other types of romantic feelings for him or her. Nobody wants to be in the”friend zone” so be careful not to spend too much time as their friend before getting to what you hopefully want, the next stage, romantic feelings.

I can, and have helped so many, that are in this stage, either get their man or move on to some other person that does not just want a friend only but wants a lover, a romantic partner, a relationship based on more than just friendship. unless you seriously just want to be friends, but I have done so many psychic love and relationship readings on this subject, that it really is mostly people that started to “Fall”, for their friend, or had other motives, to begin with.

The Next Type Of Love Is Eros

Eros is what is called romantic love. based on no not LOVE, but feelings, just different types of feelings the type of feelings that you do want. Those feelings include but are not limited to, sexual and attraction feelings and thoughts, romantic thoughts and ideas of being close, the feeling that being together is better than not being together. This is Called Eros love and with a man, it usually starts off with feelings of sexuality, attraction, and other physical attributes. It is the way men start off, we fantasize we do not have the ability to romanticize from the start so this is how we start out and this is exactly the feeling you want from a man you just started out with months.

The last and my personal favorite type of love is Agape.

Agape is universal love, such as the love for strangers, nature, or God. Unlike storge, it does not depend on filiation or familiarity. It is the “Spiritual Love” the love we all hope we can attain.

agape can be said to encompass the modern concept of altruism, defined as an unselfish concern for others, saint-like concern, caring about others beyond and above yourself. when you can attain this type of love, this feeling, usually all the things you want in life, and in love, just fall into place. This is what you should think of when you say, love.

Feelings like love, yes that is what you mostly feel. When we connect to another in such a strong way, that word just pop’s up.

When asking about a man or woman, ask about feelings, not love. Feelings are something you can explain in a few words. This whole “L” word can just confuse things as love is just too many feelings, and has so many definitions, made by so many different people, I think sometimes it can be very overused. I’d rather a man tell you how he feels about you, and that he cares about you, and that you make him feel great when you are with him. I want all that much more than a word called love. “I Love You”. You may want to hear those words but those words will get you in deep. Look for the feelings, not so much the words, follow his actions also, ignore most of what men say especially in the beginning and be careful not to throw the love word.

love and light,
Psychic Andrew

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